Wednesday, June 15

Grad Party Bonanza

So, I've been kinda slacking on my posts lately.  I made a bunch of bars for my cousin's grad party on Sunday.  I promise to post the recipes for all of them, but it will take a while to get them all up here.

Need a story to distract you?  Let me think.

I have trouble sleeping.  I typically fall asleep about 1 1/2 - 2 hours after I decide to go to sleep.  Unfortunately, last night was one of my bad nights.  It's mostly my fault.  I fell asleep at 8pm last night (sad, I know) while editing photos on my bed.  I got a little tired, decided to close my eyes for a bit, and woke up at 10pm.  Deciding that 10pm was an acceptable time to go to sleep, I took out my contacts, prepared for bed, and tried to go to sleep.

Something happens when I attempt to go to sleep.  It's as though a switch is flipped, and all my distracting thoughts flood to my head.  Then I get anxious about getting enough sleep, and the anxiety keeps me awake.  I can fall asleep in jeans on the couch at 4 in the afternoon, but as soon as I decide that I'm going to bed for the night, my body decides that it is wide awake.  It's amazing how reliable that switch is.

Sometimes I think I can fool my body.  Like if I turn on a show or something, I can fall asleep during it as though it is a nap.  But no, my body's too smart for that.  Sometimes I think that I should just train myself to go to sleep to a certain song or a certain movie, but I just end up staying up later listening to the music or watching the movie until it's over.  Maybe the sound of the fan can lull me to sleep - nope, that doesn't work either.  That switch operator must be vanquished!  I'll keep experimenting.

I finally fell asleep at around 7am.  This is where the story gets interesting.  In addition to having trouble sleeping, I also tend to have short, but very detailed dreams.  In this particular dream, I am in Madison.  It's the day of a football game, and one of my friends and I are walking around before the game.  We pass another friend of mine, who happens to be in a sorority at Madison.  This is apparent in the dream because she is surrounded by her sorority sisters, all dressed in bright red fireman outfits.  Not the kind of outfits that actual firemen wear... no, they are the kind of outfits that slutty girls wear on Halloween.  My friend is leading the group, her arms linked with another girl in her sorority that I know and that we happen to both dislike very greatly.  This, at least, strikes me as odd, but she's headed the opposite direction as us and the crowd pushes us apart before I can inquire as to why she is suddenly friends with our supposed enemy.  Of course, the red fireman outfit doesn't phase me at all.

My friend and I decide to take a shortcut.  We go through some sort of alley and end up in a large, grassy area similar to Library Mall.  There are girls in cheerleader outfits (though I'm not convinced in my dream that they are actually cheerleaders) forming a makeshift tunnel that it is apparent we are supposed to walk through.  I go through first, noticing that my friend Becky, who goes to Madison but isn't really the cheerleader type, is part of the spirit-squad tunnel.  I recognize one other cheerleader girl as well - Julie, from my high school, who doesn't go to Madison but kind of is the cheerleader type. 

We make it through the tunnel, and find a makeshift "party" on the other side.  I use quotes because that's how I thought of it in my dream, but it doesn't really help you with the mental picture.  Basically, there is a giant metal T coming up from the ground, with a rope on each side.  There are a bunch of drunk guys surrounding it, cheering incoherently.  The cheerleaders have now surrounded us and informed us that you're supposed to swing from these ropes. 

I'm immediately skeptical.  My friend, however, is not.  He grabs the rope and starts swinging.  Julie informs me that I now have to swing on the other rope, and try to swing higher than him to win.  This solid reasoning completely wipes all doubt from my mind, so I go to the other side of the T, grab the rope, and start to swing.  It takes me two swings to swing all the way over the T.  It was frightening as hell.  This apparently ends the contest.  I also apparently don't win anything, but am somehow really proud of my win.  I turn around and see normal swings behind me.  With no thought for the game, my friend and I go swing on the normal swingset, this time without competition. 

This is how my dream ends.  Swinging on a random swingset in Madison before a football game, proud of my win and frightened to ever go on a rope swing again.

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